Thursday, September 16, 2010

Renaming the Primary Key

Most of the people are familiar with the application probably used the standard Rename function. This function allows us to rename the primary key of almost any record. It is irreplaceable if a record was saved by mistake or simply needs renaming.
The function ensures data consistency, that is, all related records are renamed too. It can be accessed from the Record information form, which can be opened by selecting Record info from the right-click menu on any record:

When it comes to mass renaming, this function might be very time consuming as it would need to be run on every record. An alternative is to create a job that automatically runs through all required records and calls this function.

Thanks & Regards

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Layers in Ax 2009

Hai There are some differences  in Layers of Ax 4.0 & Ax 2009

Monday, September 13, 2010

County codes in Ax 2009

Hai friends,
                  i just worked on this counties.
County codes are frequently used in delivery, invoice, and money transfer
addresses. The County form is used to create and view counties in the state
selected on the State form. Counties are unique to each state.

Use the following procedure to set up states:

1. In the Navigation Pane, click Basic, and then Setup > Addresses >
Country/region > States.
2. In the State form, press CTRL+N to add a new state (or click the
New icon on the toolbar).
3. The Country/region field is automatically filled with information
from the associated line in the Country/region form.
4. In the State field, type a unique identifier for the state.
5. In the Description field, type the official state name.
6. In the Intrastat code field, type the Intrastat reporting code. This is
only valid in Austria and Germany